Are algae the new big thing?
Plus: market insights, business updates, latest research and innovation

Considered the fastest growing creatures, algae could sustainably grow business, the economy, and research this year.
Market Insights
Algae Products Global Market Report
Main takeaway: Currently valued at $15.12 billion, the algae product market is set to grow up to $21.91 billion by 2029 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7%.
What other insights does the report include:
- Main types of algae products
- Industry-specific insights
- Major players
What role do algae play in biofuels?
Oceanfoam Becomes Carbon Positive in 2025
The active lifestyle brand achieves a carbon-positive status with its fitness products made from bloom algae and recycled materials.
As part of its environmental commitment, the brand has removed over 1,300 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere and almost 8,000 pounds of plastic from the ocean and, cleaned over a million gallons of water.
Meet Millenial Salmon’s sustainable salmon feed
Millennial Salmon, a project driven by Norwegian Food Research Institute Nofima, has taken significant steps in replacing fish oils with oil-rich microalgae for sustainable salmon feed - and the salmon seem to like it!
More on algaelicous innovation?
Stanford Researchers discover unusual algae bloom enzyme that may boost carbon storage
Stanford University experts accidentally discovered a type of cyanobacteria (more commonly known as blue-green algae) with an enzyme combination that converts CO2 into biomass and supports photosynthesis.
The findings could help scientists anticipate trends in the ocean's carbon-sequestering capacity and create more efficient crop-production systems.
Czech scientists test the use of algae in water purification
Experts from Mendel University in Brno work with algae species that promise to remove residue traces of fertilizers and pharmaceuticals from water.
More algaelicious research:
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